The Power To Start,Continue And Finish Things.

Sista Ginna
2 min readJan 7, 2020

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve started a new dream, hobby, or project only to later fall flat on my face. I almost didn’t start my blog gospelhypers …because I anticipated its failure. Why put myself through another failed venture, I thought.

In no way is this blog a huge success in terms of metrics, but without it, I wouldn’t have been able to meet so many amazing people in the Gospel industry not to talk about working with them.

Too many of us let our dreams slip away, simply because we were too afraid to take one small step forward. Sometimes Starting anything is easy, the challenge is finishing what you started.

Surely we’ve all done it: start something new and then leave it unfinished. There’s nothing wrong with that, in itself. The trouble arises if it’s a frequent pattern that causes you distress.

•I Want to talk about finishing Grace

Consider the exercise regime you started and stopped, the project you happily started and later abandoned! Anyone can have a dream, but it takes determination, perseverance, a made up mind to see it come to pass.

The question is not will you start, but will you finish? Will you finish the diet? Will you finish school? Will you finish that project?

Maybe you’re tempted to give up on a dream, things haven’t turned out the way you planned. It was going fine at first, but then you had some obstacles and you think, “Hey, it just wasn’t meant to be”. But here’s what I’ve learned. The enemy doesn’t try to stop you from starting. He’s seen a lot of people start. That doesn’t bother him, but when you have a made up mind and you keep pushing forward, doing the right thing, taking new ground, when he sees you getting closer, he’ll work overtime to try to keep you from finishing, and when you have setbacks, disappointments, people come against you, don’t get discouraged. That’s a sign that you’re moving toward your finish line.

May God give us the Grace to continue every project we started and finish well! .

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Sista Ginna

Ghanaian Blogger — Discovering Creatives and sharing Stories